Monday, 22 July 2013

A well earned rest, kind of??

Having dug, smashed, scraped, humped and dumped in our garden. We took a break and flew off to Lemnos, one if the Greek islands for a week of sun, sea and splashing about. 

Lemnos beach.

It wasn't so much of a relaxing break, I don't think that is possible with a 2yr old in tow. While Holly and Lottie loved the swimming pool everything went pear shaped when we got to the beach. Lottie went mental!! She screamed at the sand and bawled at the sea which really surprised me as she loves the beach in Wales. So we abandoned the beach and stayed by the pool. 

Lottie, much happier at the pool, the splash behind her is Holly disappearing.

While the babes were in kids club Bjorn and I escaped and saw a bit of the island, which was beautiful. I was glad to see that there were many plants in this mederteranian climate that would grow in Britain as I'm planning a Greek garden for my friend. So I had lots of inspiration from the frothy pink tamarix trees to the fragrant pittosporum tobira. 

Tamarix tree
Nerium Oleander, very beautiful, but highly toxic

On our return I was, I mean the girls were excited to see that some of the tadpoles were getting their land legs I'm not sure how their going to fair once they want to leave the pond as it is in a desert of soil. 

Its a different frog from before, honestly!
So back to the grind. Six bulk bags of hardcore and two bulk bags of pea shingle were delivered taking up half of the driveway.  Bjorn and I managed to get 3 bags laid in one night then it to me two days to do two bags!!! Well my arms are beginning to look toned again and my shorts a little looser around the waist so I can't complain. 
there are 6 bags behind these ones too!

Bjorn then proceeded to dig out the two drainage channels/trenches at the edge of the patio. I did at one point ask Bjorn if he needed a canary, the trench was getting so deep. These trenches are going to be filled with the pea shingle to help any rainwater draining off the patio into the ground rather than sitting in the borders/ lawn and making a soggy mess. 
To Bjorns relief he had to go to Ireland for work the next day but by 9am I had a sheepish phone call asking when I was meeting him for lunch, I immediately knew that he'd forgotten his passport and this was a flimsy excuse for me to take it to him. 
I don't think I'd go back to my office if I worked here.

masterplan for Stockely Park

I didn't mind as I got a free lunch and got to see the great landscaping at Stockley Park again.   Designed by Roger  Griffith landscape architects in the mid 80s it was the UKs premier business park. The site combines great buildings with some beautifully landscaped walks, lakes, eating areas and places to relax in. 

Now its not really gardening but Greenham Common seems to be saving my running training, I've actually got up to 1 hour running! (only about another hour and a half to conquer) I used to hate running and now I look forward to my runs up on the common.  I've seen orchids, ponies and now tiny butterflies. (Any excuse to stop and take a photo).
Small Blue butterfly, love chalkland

I did contemplate seeing if I could ride one home!
Back at the allotment my weeding had got under control and though its not really up, running and productive. I have got some veg at last.  My onion stalks have all collapsed but the onions are still getting big and tasty. The salad has done remarkably well considering it was hidden in a massive patch of weeds. I was too late getting to my red currants which I'm sure the birds enjoyed.  I'll have to net them next year. 
my first onion! and some salad

The Small Blue wasn't the only butterfly I spotted this week.  We went to Holly's new school fete and both girls had their faces butterflied. Not sure what species these were? 

off to the Butterfly Ball

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